Astronomy is a discipline of Earth and Space Sciences employing physical measurements and physico-chemical and mathematical models to explore, analyze and understand the structure and dynamics of the cosmos, from the solar system and the Milky Way, up to the Universe at large scale. The complexity of these different environments, along with the inherent difficulties of observing and measuring natural processes occurring on large spatial and temporal scales, poses formidable challenges that astronomers try to solve by reconciling theory and numerical modeling, and observations acquired with sophisticated measurement and detection systems.
Since its creation, the Department of Astronomy has led the formation of national scientists, contributing to the development of much of the Chilean astronomy community. The Bachelor in Astronomy, created in 1965, formed the first generations of Chilean researchers.
Nowadays, our Bachelor is one of the programs that can be chosen from the Common Plan of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Universidad de Chile; the only one accredited in Chile by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA) until 2016.
Our students who have obtained the degree of Bachelor in Astronomy qualify to subsequently undertake a graduate program in astronomy or physics in our country or abroad. Graduate astronomers are entitled to work in astronomical research institutes and observatories, and teach at university.
Academic Degree
Bachelor of Science in Astronomy.
Academic Program
Our program is focused on meeting the pre-specified objectives. Although the General Astronomy course is not part of the current mesh of the race, it is recommended to students potentially interested in our Bachelor enroll this course during the Common Plan.
Students potentially interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Astronomy to enroll Directed Research courses I and II.
Our objective is to produce graduates with high academic standards; with strong base in mathematics, physics, astronomy and scientific research methods. Our program aims at helping the students develop the following skills:
1. Self-learning skills;2. Teamwork skills, including multidisciplinary teams;
3. Oral, written and graphic communication skills;
4. Ethical behavior.
Moreover, our graduates will have:
1. The ability to apply their strong background in physical sciences, and mathematics in basic problems of astronomy;
2. The mastery of current astronomy-related technologies, and the ability to apply them for professional use.
Although the General Astronomy course is not part of the current Major Curriculum, it is recommended to students potentially interested in our Bachelor to enroll in this course during the Common Plan. In addition, students potentially interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Astronomy to enroll in Supervised Research courses I and II (Inestigacíon dirigida I y II).
Our Bachelor is accessed after a Common Plan program, which lasts 4 semesters and provides a solid base in physics and mathematics.
The admission process can be found here. (