Agradecimientos para publicaciones
It is very important to acknowledge all the funding agencies which support our work in every publication where we have a participation. Below is a list of the standard sentences. Sometimes you will have to thank several agencies in which case it is highly desirable to merge the acknowledgements in one sentence. If you are uncertain about which agency(ies) funded your work do not hesitate to contact Sebastian López.
• Financiamiento BASAL CATA: X.X (your initials) received partial support from Center of Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (PFB 06).
• Millennium Center for Supernova Science: X.X. (your initials) ackowledges partial support from the Millennium Center for Supernova Science through grant P06-045-F funded by "Programa Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología de CONICYT'' and "Programa Iniciativa Científica Milenio de MIDEPLAN''.
• Centro de Astrofisica FONDAP: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from Centro de Astrofísica FONDAP 15010003.
• Proyecto Regular Fondecyt: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from FONDECYT through grant XXXXXXX.
• Beca Postdoctoral Fondecyt: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from FONDECYT through grant XXXXXXX.
• Comite Mixto ESO-CHILE: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from ComitéMixto ESO-GOBIERNO DE CHILE.
• FONDO ALMA: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from ALMA-CONICYT FUND.
• FONDO GEMINI: X.X. (your initials) acknowledges partial support from GEMINI-CONICYT FUND.
• Programa Nacional de Becas de Postgrado: X.X. (your initials) acknoledges partial support from Programa Nacional de Becas de Posgrado (Grant D-XXXXXXXX).